Private Room

Private Room includes a double bed and attached private restroom. Snacks on Friday evening, breakfast and lunch on Saturday.

Cost  $119


Dormroom includes shared sleeping area and shared restroom.  Friday eve snack, breakfast and lunch on Saturday. Sheets included. 

Cost  $79


Commuters are encouraged to join us for Friday evening and all day Saturday. Price includes snacks, Saturday breakfast and lunch.

Cost for Commuter $57

Shared Private Rooms

Some choose to  share a private room to help defray the cost. Please keep in mind that the room only has a double bed. 

New this year!

Only one person need register. They will enter the second person’s name, which will automatically register them as well. 

Cost $173

Extended Stay

Some people choose to stay an extra day

 to reflect on the retreat 

and have some private prayer time.

Contact us if you would like to do this

If Paying by Check

Please make checks payable to:

Melissa Jock

Send payment to:

PO Box 555 

Sidney, Ohio 45365