Dorm room Information

-Door Room fee is $81

Check in on the lower level of the retreat center upon arrival on Saturday. You can enter through the door closest to the parking lot. Check In opens at 3:30pm on Friday.

Bring a Sleeping Bag and/or warm blankets for sleeping. The retreat center supplies ONLY sheets and a pillow on the bunk beds..

Dorm Rooms will be available by 4:00 pm on Saturday. Check-out time is 9:30 AM on Saturday. There will be no re-entry to the bunk room area after 9:30 am Saturday as Spiritual Center staff must begin cleaning in preparation for an incoming retreat. Fr. Nathan will begin his talks at 9:30, so we recommend you empty your bunk and take your luggage to your vehicle or the Lower Lounge by 9:15 am.

-No meal is served at the Spiritual Center on Saturday. If you wish to eat dinner after arriving at the center on Saturday, please eat in the lower level dining room.

-Snacks will be available in the lower level dining room after the Holy Hour and confessions.


-All retreatants staying in the dorm rooms should go to the Lower Level Dining Room for breakfast and lunch on Saturday.

No food is allowed in the dorm rooms. If you are bringing food with you, please mark it with your name and store it in the lower level snack room cabinets or refrigerator. The snack room and lower level dining room are always open.

No candles are permitted in the dorm rooms. The fire alarm is very sensitive.

-Please pack warm layers of clothing for the retreat.  Be sure to pack warm layers for sleeping. Also temperature can vary a lot from room to room at the Spiritual Center so have warm layers for the day as well.

-Bring towel and washcloth along with toiletries.  Spiritual Center does not provide towels/washcloths in the bunk rooms.

Consider ear plugs and sleeping mask..

-We ask that you please contact us if you will not be attending the retreat even if you do not want a refund. We need to keep accurate records for the Spiritual Center.  You may contact us by email (